Course: Intro to Visual Communication Design 1: Symbols & Meaning
The Ohio State University
Course level: Sophomore (year 1 equivalent UK)
Role: Adjunct Professor
Date: Fall 2022
Course Description: Design and application of graphic systems in the production of visual communications within frameworks of theories of communication and signs. Students will conduct research to design symbols systems. The focus will be on identifying and analyzing the basic visual components defining form and meaning in iconology.

This semester long course consisted of two main projects in developing symbol systems and applications. All projects were updated to include new outcomes and deliverables based on previous course materials.

For more information:
Download course materials

Project 1
Symbol family: 5 senses

The first project is to develop a family of symbols with each representing one of the five human senses. It will be divided into several assignments to design 5 root symbols and then expanding the symbol system’s ability to be versatile.

For the first assignments, two versions for the human senses will exist, as a verb and as a noun. Half of the class will work with nouns, while the other half the verbs. Students develop a successful family of symbols that are interrelated stylistically, systematic, and semantically (meaning) effective. The final symbol set must be capable of being versatile, adaptable and for further expansion.

Then students will elect one symbol from their completed senses symbol set. They will then develop from this one symbol three new ones and applying the root/determinant strategy.

For more information:
Download project overview

Project 2
Symbol Systems: Implementing, Promoting + Educating

The second project involved the development of a comprehensive symbol system. Included is the symbols’ promotion, implementation and education for a brand organization/institution. It focused on the research, process methodology, symbol grid/logic, legibility/scale, user comprehension testing, writing and demonstrating possible applications.

One of four different client projects were assigned to each student (through lottery):

1. Wexner Center for the Arts
2. Franklin Park Conservatory
3. Whole Foods Market
4. Columbus Department of Recreation and Parks

Each of the four projects represented a different communication problem and intended audience/user.

For the assigned project, each student was required to develop 8 symbols within a system first in black + white and then color.

In addition 2 utilitarian symbols were designed (10 symbols in all).

Each student created a pattern using their symbols for printed application as well as a poster promoting an upcoming event.

For more information:
Download project overview